and so it begins...
It's maybe not the most visually appealing website, but this is where it all began; all the way back to a coding buffoon. I keep all my projects on file to look back and see how far I have come. In 3 years, I think I have made some significant progress if I do say so myself.
KatFoong v1
KatFoong v1

Three years actually doesn't sound like that long ago when I think of where I was. I had no idea how to set up a html file, no clue what JavaScript was, and barely knew how to position elements (a big thank you to my sister and w3schools for helping me out).

Back then, my website was used more as a resume than a portfolio obviously due to the lack of physical work. I even listed some of my interests and skills. It may be a little embarrassing to keep the site up, but I'm sticking with it.

Dark and monochrome, I guess you could say I was in a moody phase. -- I was actually going for an industrial feel. I like when people have raw wood tabletops and I thought it would be a cool idea if it was like an aerial view of my workplace. I wish I was skill at drawing, but below you can see the concepts I was perusing through (why I still have these on hand is beyond me).
