single-scroll demo website
This site was adapted for a student organization at my university. Illini Get Fit was looking for image consulting help and as a new organization, they wanted to establish a cool look and feel right off the bat. I developed this website to show them an idea I had for their organization.
Illini Get Fit
Illini Get Fit

I found out about Illini Get Fit through another university student organization I am involved in: American Advertising Federation. We do a lot of client-based work and my team's client was IGF. Illini Get Fit is an organization of students who promote and encourage healthy fitness and nutrition.

As a team, we set up their Instagram and Twitter page. Most of our effort was on promoting IGF around campus, so we created flyers and TV ads. Their website was a side project I worked on to visualize a possible aesthetic theme.

IGF is a single-page website with each section stacked right on top of each other. The website features hover effects, anchor link scrolling, Google Calendar and Google Forms.
