my current website
Welcome! You have probably been brought here from my personal website, which in that case you are already familiar with this project. I designed and developed this website entirely on my own, during my free time in-between class and work. is an ongoing project as I develop my eye for design and learn more about coding.
KatFoong v3
KatFoong v3

I started coding this website in early 2017, but I ran into some obstacles when I didn’t know how to format my portfolio. I wanted some cool device vectors, but when I downloaded them, I didn’t know how to use Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to manipulate the images.

In the beginning of March 2017, I spent an entire weekend finishing this website. 21 hours over the course of 3 days; teaching myself how to use Adobe Illustrator from YouTube videos, sketching designs, adding animations, and coding the general layout.

The main functionality is adapted from Alvaro Trigo’s fullPage.js. I have also used resources like, Google Fonts, and Google Forms. To create many of the graphics and background images, I used Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

HTML CSS JavaScript Illustrator Photoshop