learning more and creating more
This was my previous personal website for just about a year. As I continued to learn more about web coding, my projects have showed my evolution from novice to experienced. I was also studying abroad at the time in Spain so it is nice to look back at my pictures from Seville, Tarragona, and Barcelona.
KatFoong v2
KatFoong v2

After taking this image atop Monserrat in Barcelona, Spain and playing around with some photo editing apps, a new website idea popped into my head. I had also seen the growing trend in full screen background images so I decided to combine the two and create a new project.

The overall layout is pretty simple and clean. I enjoying the whole process, but I eventually decided to do something completely different and more colorful for my personal website (KFv3).

The menu overlay is something that took me the longest to code. I wasn't too familiar with JavaScript, but I was determined to make it work. Looking back, this was a big project at the time and I enjoy seeing at how I have evolved as a coder.

HTML CSS JavaScript